
In the Know: Bi-weekly Agritech Round-up (February 15, 2019)

The world of agritech is changing every day. Check out our bi-weekly round-up to stay in-the-know on the evolving world that is agriculture technology.

Farmers And Ag Tech: Collaboration Is Key

Digital solutions in agriculture are growing, and so is the need to connect farmers with tech professionals. These two industries must find innovative ways to partner and collaborate in order to ensure a successful future.

Read more here, via Ag Professional.

Smart Farming: The Future of Agriculture

By implementing innovative technology, new management systems and improved data standards, agriculture professionals can increase the quantity and quality of products while optimizing production efforts.

Read more here, via IoT For All.

10 Tech Industry Experts Predict the Next ‘Blockchain Wave’

2019 has a lot in store for blockchain. This development in technology offers traceability and transparency in the agriculture industry, as well as e-commerce, education, healthcare and more.

Read more here, via Forbes.

Farmers Harvest Data to Make Operations More Profitable

Growers are relying on smart solutions to make precise decisions in the field. By incorporating technology into daily practices, farmers are able to maximize their return on resources and expenses.

Read more here, via NTV.