
In the Know: Bi-Weekly Agritech Round-Up (June 8, 2018)

The world of agritech is changing every day. Check out our bi-weekly round-up to stay in-the-know on the evolving world that is agriculture technology.

The 5 Things That Every Blockchain Company Needs to Get to the Market

Industry leaders are utilizing blockchain technology to spearhead the way that companies conduct their business. They are breaking ground and gaining traction in the market by implementing these five practices.

Read more here, via Hackernoon.

Farming: There’s an App for That

Precision Agriculture is growing, and more farmers are adopting high-tech methods of crop management and production. While technological innovation requires investment, the benefits far outweigh the cost.

Read more here, via National Geographic.

How Blockchain Makes It Easier for Diverse Platforms to Interface

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing business tactics in a variety of industries. From third-party systems to cross-platform possibilities, blockchain improves trust, functionality and ensures that data is immutable.

Read more here, via Blockchain News. 

Collaboration, Health and the Future Farmer: Key Lessons on the Future of Ag

Agritech innovation poses a number of efficient solutions to the growing needs in agriculture today. With these five considerations in mind, the future of agritech looks brighter than ever before.

Read more here, via AgFunder News.