
The Seam Chairman and CEO Speaks on Blockchain Technology at the BCI 2017 Global Cotton Conference

Our Chairman and CEO Mark Pryor is in Berlin, Germany, today speaking at the BCI 2017 Global Cotton Conference on developments in the cotton supply chain. One innovation we’re most proud of is the integration of Blockchain technology, which will help drive efficiencies to global trade as a whole by decentralizing, securing and distributing the data into a single source.

Cocoa Company News Peanuts

Memphis Agritech: The Seam launches blockchain venture, considers strategy for product roadmap, global footprint

The Seam Chairman and CEO Mark Pryor was interviewed for a May 11, 2017, story on Venture Nashville, the full text of which is available via this link. Below are a few portions of the Chairman’s comments in that story, summarized by The Seam.

Cocoa Cotton Peanuts

Global Supply Chains Are About to Get Better, Thanks to Blockchain

At the heart of a Denver-based company’s recent crisis was the ever-present problem faced by companies that depend on multiple suppliers to deliver parts and ingredients: a lack of transparency and accountability across complex supply chains. Unable to monitor its suppliers in real time, this company could neither prevent the contamination nor contain it in a targeted way after it was discovered.

Company News Cotton

IBM CEO Ginni Rometty’s keynote at the FinTech Ideas Festival 2017

At the 2017 FinTech Ideas Festival, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty discussed cognitive business, recent developments with blockchain and the future of finance, as well as our work to form a cotton blockchain using the Hyperledger Fabric.

Company News

The Seam to form Cotton Blockchain Consortium with IBM on Hyperledger Fabric

MEMPHIS, Tenn., January 5, 2017 – The Seam, a commodities trading and agribusiness software provider, today announced that it is forming a blockchain consortium for the global cotton industry. Working with IBM (NYSE:IBM), the company intends to lead an industry-wide collaboration initiative to create a supply chain and trading ecosystem built on IBM blockchain technology, specifically using the Hyperledger Fabric.