
In the Know: Bi-Weekly Agritech Round-up (September 14, 2018)

The world of agritech is changing every day. Check out our bi-weekly round-up to stay in-the-know on the evolving world that is agriculture technology.


In the Know: Bi-Weekly Agritech Round-up (August 31, 2018)

The world of agritech is changing every day. Check out our bi-weekly round-up to stay in-the-know on the evolving world that is agriculture technology.

Company News Peanuts Sustainability

Event Recap: 2018 Cotton and Peanut Seminar

Last week, our team had the opportunity to attend and present at The Seam’s Cotton and Peanut Seminar at the Lake Blackshear Resort in Georgia.


In the Know: Bi-Weekly Agritech Round-up (August 17, 2018)

The world of agritech is changing every day. Check out our bi-weekly round-up to stay in-the-know on the evolving world that is agriculture technology.

Blockchain Sustainability

Agritech and Sustainability

What is sustainable agriculture? Essentially, it is the ability to produce enough food and commodities to meet present needs without endangering the environment, public health or economic profitability. As the population grows, so does the demand for food and resources, and farmers must find ways to increase production rates while remaining environmentally conscious. If food and commodities are not produced with care, future generations of crops are at risk. The idea behind sustainable farming is to minimize one’s environmental footprint and enforce good stewardship of the land and natural resources.


In the Know: Bi-Weekly Agritech Round-up (August 3, 2018)

The world of agritech is changing every day. Check out our bi-weekly round-up to stay in-the-know on the evolving world that is agriculture technology.


How technology drives precise decision-making in agriculture

Agriculture is a growing industry, and therefore, it has a smaller margin reserved for error. There is an increased demand for precise farming in order to keep up with the economy’s needs. In a fast-paced society, even our food and commodities can’t afford to be inexact.

Company News

The Seam Expands, Appoints New Director of Finance and Senior Software Engineer

MEMPHIS, Tenn., July 24, 2018 – The Seam, a leading provider of agribusiness software and trading solutions, today announced the appointment of Suzanne Lowery as Director of Finance, and Tim Thornton as Senior Software Engineer. Lowery reports to Mark Pryor, Chairman and CEO at The Seam, and Thornton reports to Jason Sutton, who has been promoted to Manager of Software Engineering.


In the Know: Bi-Weekly Agritech Round-up (July 20, 2018)

The world of agritech is changing every day. Check out our bi-weekly round-up to stay in-the-know on the evolving world that is agriculture technology.


How population growth affects the need for agritech innovation and sustainability

As the world’s population grows, so does the need for sustainable farming. According to the United Nations’ Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the world’s population is projected to be at 9.7 billion by 2050. Meanwhile, the surface of the Earth is not growing, and therefore, farmers are under enormous pressure to produce successful crops quickly. The good news is, researchers believe that food is not lacking; it is often just poorly managed. There are a number of solutions that improve the way agriculture is managed in order to keep up with the growing demand for food and commodities.